BA (Hons) Human Resource Management 3+0 in collaboration with University of Greenwich, UK

Course ID : (R3/0414/6/0229)(10/29)(A10440)
Campus: SEGi College Kuala Lumpur
Levels of Study: Bachelor Degree
Awarding Institution : University of Greenwich, UK

Course Overview

The BA (Hons) Human Resource Management Degree programme is an innovative degree with a curriculum that focuses directly on the practice of human resource management. It develops knowledge and skills which are of immediate use to you as students and to employers in a practical business environment. The design of the programme is in response to listening to groups of employers who told us they want to recruit people who have high levels of practical skills and to students who say they want to be better equipped to get jobs. All learning on the programme is underpinned by academic research.

We recognise the wide range of learning styles within the student body by offering courses which emphasise skills alongside more traditional courses emphasising theory. However, in essence your degree remains a general human resource management degree aimed at future managers. This exciting degree programme has kept the strengths of traditional business degree programmes but introduces new and exciting developments in the world of business.

Years in Making Things Possible
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Alumni Worldwide
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First-Class Honors Graduates Each Year
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Bringing Industry into the Classroom

Our business programmes bring the industry directly into the classroom. Co-designed, co-delivered, and co-assessed by industry leaders, students work on real-life projects with MNEs, SMEs, entrepreneurs, and top executives, gaining practical experience and insights that set them apart in the business world.


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