Category: SEGi in the News

SEGians Innovate to Combat Food Waste

SEGi College Penang students have found a creative solution to tackle food waste by turning surplus bananas into delicious muffins. This initiative not only addresses

Remembering History Through Art

SEGi’s Senior Lecturer and Composer Yii Kah Hoe, who has been performing at the May 13th cemetery for over a decade, collaborated with director Zhang

平凡庸碌 非凡成功

分享会由《南洋商报》和马来西亚中华总商会(中总)联办,世纪大学协办,旨在邀请企业家代表走进本地大学校园分享成功经验,与大专生展开互动交流。另两位主讲人分别是和丽园集团(Austin Heights)总执行长张凯翔和世纪大学及学院董事经理刘嘉慧。 刘嘉慧鼓励,学生要勇于尝试,不要害怕犯错,学校就是一个可以包容错误的最佳场所。对于踏入社会的年轻人,要勇于踏出舒适圈,从犯错的机会中学习做对的事,他们会发现自己的舒适圈越来越大,这就是迎来成功的时刻。 For full article, please click:

SEGi launches APEL Centre for working adults

SEGi University & Colleges, a leading group of higher education institutions in Malaysia, has officially launched the SEGi APEL Centre. The Accreditation of Prior Experiential Learning (APEL)