Contact Lens Awareness Campaign: Fostering Safe and Hygienic Practices

The importance of safe and hygienic contact lens usage took the spotlight at SEGi University during the Contact Lens Awareness Campaign held on the 10th of March, 2023. This enlightening event was organized by the SEGI Optometry Club, with the primary objective of creating awareness among SEGi University students and staff about the proper use of contact lenses.

Contact lenses are not merely accessories; they are medical devices that require proper dispensing and care under the guidance of an eye care professional. The campaign aimed to instill this understanding and promote responsible contact lens practices.

During this two-day event, more than 100 individuals were screened for their contact lens usage. This screening was instrumental in identifying any issues or concerns that needed attention. Over 60 people were subsequently scheduled for further eye examinations at SEGi Eye Care, ensuring that any potential problems were addressed promptly and professionally.

The success of the Contact Lens Awareness Campaign was further amplified by the generous support of Oculus Shd Bhd. Their support played a pivotal role in making this event possible and allowed for a wider reach in educating individuals about the significance of safe and hygienic contact lens practices.

The event, held at the SEGi University Dome from 9 am to 5 pm, was not just about screening and examinations; it was a platform for fostering awareness and understanding. It emphasized the importance of following proper procedures and seeking professional guidance when it comes to contact lenses. The campaign served as a reminder that our eyes are precious, and the responsibility of caring for them starts with ensuring the safe and hygienic use of contact lenses.

In conclusion, the Contact Lens Awareness Campaign at SEGi University was an educational initiative that aimed to create a culture of responsible contact lens use. By reaching out to students and staff, the campaign highlighted the importance of proper dispensing and care for contact lenses. It also demonstrated the university’s commitment to the eye health and well-being of its community members.