Diploma in Music
Course ID : (R2/0215/4/0009)(08/25)(A6148)
Campus: SEGi College Subang Jaya
Levels of Study: Diploma
Course Overview
The Diploma in Music is a 2½-year programme designed to lay a solid foundation of musical studies which focuses on the development of musical skills and theoretical knowledge. The program integrates music theory and harmony, music history, musicianship and performance studies, which provides a wealth of musical experience and transferable skills, preparing students for undergraduate study or the workplace.
Entry requirements
SPM / O-Level or equivalent with 3 credits
UEC with 3 credits
SKM Level 3
Related Certificate or equivalent
Additional Requirements
Minimum Grade 3 in practical for any musical instruments or Theory (A.B.R.S.M. / Trinity or equivalent)
Programme structure and modules
Year 1
Music Fundamentals 1: Theory
Music Appreciation 1: Aesthetic and Styles
Musicianship 1: Beat and Rhythm
Applied Digital Skills (NEW)
Falsafah dan Isu Semasa / Penghayatan Etika dan Peradaban (Local students) (NEW)
Bahasa Melayu Komunikasi 1 (International students) (NEW)
Music Fundamentals 2: Fundamental Harmony
Music Appreciation 2: Genre and Repertoire
Musicianship 2: Pitch and Melody
Music Fundamentals 3: Extended Harmony and Baroque Counterpoint
Music Appreciation 3: Form and Structure
Musicianship 3: Interval and Chord
Performance Series 1: Solo
Music Practices 1: Music for Children
Year 2
Music Fundamentals 4: Computer Notation Technique
Music Appreciation 4: Performance Medium and Instrumentation
Performance Series 2: Duo
Music Practices 2: Music for Teens
Growth Mindset (NEW) / Bahasa Kebangsaan A*
Musicianship 4: Key and Modulation
Music Practices 3: Music Production 1
Industrial Revolution 4.0 in Malaysia (NEW)
Music Fundamentals 5: Creative Composition
Music Appreciation 5: World Music
Music Performance Series 3: Chamber
Elective 1: Music Practices 4:
– Music for Adults
– Any Elective course
Co-Curriculum Management
Year 3
Performance Series 4: Ensemble
Elective 2
Music Practices 5: Music as Business
Financial Aid / Funding
SEGi Monthly Installment
Low Initial Payment
Career opportunities
Music instrumentalist, music producer, musicologist, music supervisor, vocalist, programme director, music arranger, music researcher, orchestra performer, conductor & music educator.
Information on accreditation
Intakes & Orientation Dates
14/1/2025 20/5/2025 9/9/2025
13/1/2025 19/5/2025 8/9/2025
18/1/2025 24/5/2025 13/9/2025
18/1/2025 24/5/2025 13/9/2025
Mr Yii Kah Hoe, Senior Lecturer & Award Winning Composer at SEGi
Mr Yii, is a renowned composer and Chinese dizi and xiao improviser in Malaysia. He has won several prestigious awards, including the 11th Boh Cameronian Arts Awards and the Malaysian Philharmonic Orchestra Forum for Malaysian Composers. Mr Yii has been recognised as one of the major voices among Southeast Asian composers of his generation, and his music has been widely performed in Asia, America, and Europe.