Empowering Women in Engineering: NXP’s Inspiring Initiative with SEGi University Student Involvement

In a world where the contributions of women in STEM fields have historically been underrepresented, initiatives aimed at shattering these barriers take on immense significance. SEGi University was honored to be part of the ‘Women In Search of Engineering Excellence,’ or WISE’E, an event driven by NXP Semiconductors Malaysia. NXP Semiconductors is a global semiconductor powerhouse, in collaboration with the Selangor Human Resource Development Center (SHRDC) as a strategic partner. This event was designed to catalyze transformation, champion diversity and inclusivity, and fortify women’s roles in engineering.

On the 19th of September, 2023, at the NXP Malaysia Headquarters, 87 engineering students from diverse fields at SEGi University – Chemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical & Electronics Engineering, and Civil Engineering – proudly participated in the prestigious WISE’E event. The event served as a dynamic gathering point for women engineers, scientists, professionals, and student engineers from various backgrounds, each sharing their experiences, insights, and expertise. The program was enriched with keynote addresses and panel discussions, where eminent women leaders in the engineering industry took center stage, sharing their journeys, challenges, and triumphant stories. These discussions not only offered invaluable career insights but also ignited inspiration in budding female engineers, including the aspiring students of SEGi University.

One of the event’s crowning moments was the high-impact forum, themed ‘Overcoming Challenges and Embracing Opportunities in Engineering.’ Moderated by Ms. Sherry Alexander, the Head of Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion at NXP Semiconductors, the panel included luminaries from both industry and academia:

  • Professor Ir Dr. Norlida Buniyamin, President of IEM
  • Dr. Poh Leng Eu, Director of Packaging Engineering at NXP Malaysia
  • Ms. Rupa Shanmugam, CEO & President of SoPark Corp
  • Ir Ts. Dr. Lim Mee Wei, Head of the Chemical Engineering Department at SEGi University

The forum underscored that confidence in engineering is nurtured through knowledge and ability, highlighting the importance of encouraging women to actively participate in engineering roles, including those traditionally considered male-dominated. The discussion stressed the significance of planning, negotiation for desired lifestyles, mentorship, networking, and stepping out of one’s comfort zone. It concluded by emphasizing the importance of defining personal success and showing unwavering dedication to chosen roles, along with understanding and empathizing with others’ perspectives, especially in the context of human relationships within the engineering field.

For SEGi University’s students who attended this event, it represented a unique opportunity to learn from accomplished women in engineering, providing them with valuable insights into the possibilities and challenges they might encounter in their future careers. They were able to establish connections with role models and potential mentors who have successfully navigated the complex world of engineering. This, particularly for young women pursuing STEM degrees, can serve as a powerful motivator. These connections are invaluable, as they may pave the way for future collaborations, internships, and job opportunities, giving SEGi students a promising head start in their engineering careers.

The WISE’E event, characterized by active involvement from SEGi University students, stands as a vivid testament to the boundless potential that blossoms when diversity is embraced within the engineering realm. By offering a platform for women to share their knowledge, experiences, and aspirations, it serves as an inspiring beacon, urging engineering companies to wholeheartedly support women in STEM fields. In doing so, they ensure a brighter future for the next generation of engineers.