Independent Non-Executive Director

Independent Non-Executive Director
Dato’ Seri (Dr) Mohamed Azahari was appointed to the Board on 24 May 2016 as an Executive Director and was re-designated as Non-Independent Non-Executive Director on 15 July 2017 after leaving his role as Group President. On 22 August 2019, Dato’ Seri (Dr) Mohamed Azahari was further re-designated as Independent Non-Executive Director. Dato’ Seri (Dr) Mohamed Azahari, is a member of the Risk Management Committee and Executive Committee of the Company.
Dato’ Seri (Dr) Mohamed Azahari is a Chartered Banker of the Asian Institute of Chartered Bankers as well as a Chartered Professional in Islamic Finance and has had a distinguished career in the financial services and educational sectors, helming senior management posts in various private and public organisations, including Malaysian Industrial Development Finance Berhad, Permodalan Nasional Berhad Group, Amanah Raya Group, Asian Finance Bank Berhad, QSR Brands (M) Holdings Bhd and KPJ Healthcare Berhad. Dato’ Seri (Dr) Mohamed Azahari was also a Board member of Johor Corporation’s subsidiary company, Larkin Sentral Property Bhd.
He is currently a Board member of Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin (UniSZA) and an Adjunct Professor at the International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM). He was also appointed by the Ministry of Higher Education for AIxCHANGE: CEO @ Faculty Programme 1.0 “Learn from the Pros”, Universiti Technology MARA (UiTM), Industry Advisory Panel for Management and Humanities Program for University Technology Petronas (UTP) as well as Industry Advisory for Politeknik Sultan Ahmad Shah (POLISAS).
He holds a Bachelor of Business Administration (Finance) from Western Michigan University and a Master of Business Administration (Finance) from Central Michigan University. He was awarded Honorary Degree of Doctor of Management (Hon.D.MGT) by University Sultan Zainal Abidin in 2019. His academic qualifications include executive leadership programmes at Harvard, Wharton, Berkeley, USA and Cambridge, UK.