‘Listen More, Judge Less’

  Counselling skills for beginner delivered by Ms Alice Lim, Registered Counselor


A total of 14 selected peer counsellors attended training on basic counselling skills on 16th March 2019 to equip themselves with some basic counselling skills.

The workshop, which started with some ice-breaking activities, was followed by a sharing session by senior members. They talked about their journey with the previous peer counsellors group. Registered counsellor Ms Alice Lim proceeded to do a presentation about the necessary skills needed by peer counsellors. The participants then teamed up to discuss case studies and exercises on reflective questioning before ending the event with some outdoor games.

          Outdoor games conducted by Mr Zulhilmi

Peer Counsellors are trained with the objective to reach out to those with emotional distress. They’ll be trained continuously as they assist in counselling related programmes. With additional befriending skills, they are expected to reach out to their friends on campus and live up to their slogan, “Listen More, Judge Less.”

Strong people don’t put others down; they lift them. ~ Michael P. Watson.