Sarjana Muda Kejururawatan (Kepujian) dengan kerjasama Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM)

Course ID : (N/0913/6/0012)(04/31)(MQA/PA16958)
Kampus: Kolej SEGi Kuala Lumpur
Peringkat Pengajian: Ijazah Sarjana Muda

Gambaran Keseluruhan Kursus

The Bachelor in Nursing is a four-year programme offered at SEGi College Kuala Lumpur in collaboration with the School of Health Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia. The Bachelor in Nursing is accredited by the Malaysian Qualifications Agency and the Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia and recognised by the Nursing Board Malaysia and the Ministry of Health Malaysia.

The programme provides theoretical and clinical education to produce nurses of calibre, who are innovative and proactive, with critical thinking and problem-solving abilities. The curriculum covers Biological Sciences, Behavioural Sciences, Nursing Sciences, Clinical Skills, Computer Skills, Research and Scientific Writing Skills, Communication and Information Distribution Skills, Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Skills, Co-Curricular Activities, Social Skills, and Teaching and Patient Management Skills.

These components are incorporated into the nursing curriculum to strengthen the knowledge of nursing practice. Additionally, it elevates the nursing profession to a level comparable with other healthcare professions. Scientific knowledge and evidence-based practice taught in this programme are aimed to produce competent, independent, and safe practitioners.


Bertahun-tahun Mengubah Kemungkinan Menjadi Realiti
0 +
Alumni Seluruh Dunia
# 0
Graduan Kepujian Kelas Pertama Setiap Tahun
0 +

Jururawat dalam Permintaan

Kekurangan jururawat global adalah isu kritikal, baik di Malaysia mahupun di seluruh dunia. SEGi berbangga untuk bekerjasama dengan beberapa hospital terkemuka untuk menawarkan biasiswa penuh untuk program Kejururawatan kami dan peluang kerja selepas tamat pengajian.

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