SEGi Menerajui Persidangan ICOIACT 2023

In a resounding display of technological prowess and innovation, SEGi University emerged as a standout participant at the 6th International Conference on Information and Communications Technology (ICOIACT) 2023, hosted on 10 – 11 November 2023 at the Sahid Raya Hotel in Yogyakarta. The conference, organised by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), gathered global professionals, researchers, and academicians, putting the spotlight on SEGi’s exceptional contributions and achievements.

SEGi University took a leading role in shaping the discourse at ICOIACT 2023, cementing its status as a beacon of technological excellence. The university’s commitment to pushing the boundaries of knowledge and innovation was exemplified through the notable presentation by Muhammad Shahkhir Bin Mozamir, a distinguished IT lecturer from the Faculty of Engineering, Built Environment & Information Technology (FoEBEIT).

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