Acara IT Back-To-School SEGi menetapkan nada akademik untuk membimbing pelajar mencapai kejayaan!

SEGi University’s Multipurpose Hall is abuzzed with excitement as over 445 participants, including 16 dedicated IT lecturers, gathered for the highly anticipated IT Programme Meeting: Back to Campus! This event aimed to empower students’ academic journeys, streamline course registration, and address vital issues within the Faculty of Engineering, Built Environment, and Information Technology (FoEBEIT). 

The day kicked off with Lecturer and Student Registrations at 9:30 a.m., fostering a sense of camaraderie among attendees. The Welcome Remarks by the esteemed Dean of FoEBEIT, Ir. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tan Yong Chai, set an inspiring tone for the day, emphasising the importance of student success and academic growth. 

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