On 15 January 2023, SEGi College Penang’s School of IT (SOIT) and Keysight Technologies Penang hosted an enlightening workshop to explore the necessity of incorporating industry practices in classroom instruction via online technologies. This is regarded as an important step in preparing students for the real world by exposing them to the most recent technological breakthroughs and helping them to think critically.
Lee Chong Wei, a Keysight salesperson and test engineer, shared several thoughts on how technology might be implemented in the real world. Lee agreed to host a session on internet programming in February after the session. This workshop seeks to educate students on the significance and application of online technologies, such as the internet.
“Do this more consistently,” Lee said, “it engages kids in critical thinking and helps them better see their potential before being exposed to the actual world.”
Read full article at https://bit.ly/3ZpRqfX