SEGI College Kuala Lumpur (SCKL) lecturer won gold award

Lecturer, School of Hospitality, Tourism & Culinary Arts, SEGi College Kuala Lumpur, and SEGi Group of Colleges (SGC), Miss Saiyida Nafisa Binti Rosdi recently won the gold award in K- Novasi P&P under the “Teaching Aid Material” category.

Karnival Inovasi Pengajaran & Pembelajaran (K-Novasi P&P) is an academic competition organized annually by Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) to improve the knowledge and expertise of all the academicians related to “Teaching and Learning (P&P)” innovation techniques or approaches through Nano Innovation Workshop. During the competition, all academicians discuss and make resolutions on key issues related to P&P through the Scholar Talk Forum. It also involves the presentation of Plenary in the Plenary Sessions by experts from UKM and other international institutions.

To be part of the competition, participants were required to develop a project related to ‘Teaching and Learning (P&P)’ methods and techniques, especially P&P innovation that supports Industrial Revolution 4.0 (IR 4.0), or in education called Education 4.0. Miss Saiyida’s project for the K-Novasi 2019 is “GoFIT – Crowd Teaching Source for Travel and Tours Management Course”. GoFIT application’s purpose is to increase class engagement if the lecturer uses technology or applications, besides traditional teaching methods using chalk and board. This competition was open to the public, including companies producing or supplying the P&P materials in the education industry. The criteria in this competition were as follows; novelty, usability, impact, recognition/ award/ publication.

“There are 7 members in my team, where six of them are from Faculty of Hospitality, Tourism and Wellness, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK), and I am the only one from SEGi College Kuala Lumpur. I want to thank the Faculty of Hospitality, Tourism & Wellness (FHTW), UMK for the opportunity given to collaborate on this project and also SEGi College KL (SCKL), especially my Head of Department (HOD), Mr Tang Seng Cheong, for giving me a chance to participate in such a big ‘Teaching and Learning event. Big thanks also go to my beloved teammates because without them, I will not be able to see my other potential and talents besides being an academician,” shared Miss Saiyida.

The objectives of this event were to identify P&P products and innovations that can be featured at the national level through the P&P Innovation Competition K-Novasi. Apart from this, its purpose was to highlight and discuss key issues about ‘Teaching and Learning’ from different perspectives, especially in responding to industry challenges 4.0. In addition, it aims to showcase and share the current ‘Teaching and Learning’ techniques used in the classroom.

Those who participated came from public and private learning institutions all around Malaysia involving primary schools, universities’ students, teachers, and lecturers. There were three categories in this competition; Teaching Method / Student Supervision, e-Learning / Teaching Aid Material and Assessment Method / Alternative Evaluation. The judges were academicians from UKM and other learning institutions in Malaysia. Many of them were Professors and Associate Professors, and each group was judged by two judges separately.