Future-Ready Graduates: Inspiring career talk by SEGi’s Graduate School

The Graduate School of Business at SEGi recently organised a highly informative and impactful Career Talk aimed at guiding students on their path to success and employment. The event was graced by the presence of esteemed Guest Speaker, Dr. Mohd Nadzli Suhaimi, an accomplished individual with a Masters in Economics and a Doctorate from University Utara Malaysia Sintok, Kedah. Currently serving as the Head of Industrial and Talent Relations Specialist for special projects at Etika Holdings, a renowned Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) multinational company, Dr. Nadzli is also an HR Expert and motivational speaker. 

The Career Talk, organised by Dr. Joachim Clement Denis and S. Rishikumar, two Senior Lecturers from the Graduate School of Business faculty, focused on several key objectives that aimed to enhance students’ job market awareness, provide career guidance, develop essential skills, offer industry insights, master networking strategies, and perfect resume and interview skills. 

英文文章 https://bit.ly/3vi1v4Y