SEGi University’s FoEBEIT commits to continuous improvement with 5S Methodology

SEGi University’s Faculty of Engineering, Built Environment and Information Technology (FoEBEIT) recently participated in a comprehensive one-day 5S Awareness & Methodology Training programme. Conducted by Soong Ying Lee from CatEagle Translation Malaysia, the training was attended by 20 participants, including laboratory staff and lecturers. 

The programme aims to foster an understanding of 5S, which refers to five Japanese words: SEIRI, SEITON, SEISO, SEIKEITSU, and SHITSUKE. The 5S are translated into English as SORT, SET IN ORDER, SHINE, STANDARDISE, and SUSTAIN. Further, it demonstrates how these practices can help an organisation maintain a safe, clean, and high-quality environment. The programme’s objectives include enhancing the corporate image, boosting teamwork and productivity, reducing costs and waste, minimising stock, and establishing a secure and clean working environment.

The training was divided into four sections: planning, education, and campaign development. The second section centred on implementation, involving properly arranging necessary items and thoroughly cleaning the workplace to eliminate dirt and dust. The third section emphasised continuous improvement and maintaining high standards of organisational housekeeping. The final section dealt with 5S internal audit planning, creation, and development of a 5S checklist for feedback, rectification of non-conformances, and follow-up for ongoing improvement. 
