Field trips have long been a popular educational tool for connecting students to concepts and theories taught in the classroom. According to Behrendt and Franklin (2014), fieldwork can lead to better learning outcomes than class-based learning. In accordance with this, students pursuing a BSc (Hons) International Tourism and Hospitality Management degree at a Malaysian college organised a field trip to Pangkor Island, Perak, to fulfil their assessment requirements for TLH214 Tourism Fieldwork.
Pangkor Island, located off the coast of Perak, is a Malaysian hidden gem ideal for student trips. With a population of around 30,000 people, the island is known for its beautiful beaches. The students spent the entire day soaking up the sun and enjoying water activities, which provided an excellent opportunity to learn about marine life and the importance of ocean preservation.
The trip began early in the morning, with students departing from Penang Sentral and travelling for about 3.5 hours to Lumut Terminal. After arriving, the students immersed themselves in the island’s rich history and culture by visiting historical sites such as the Dutch Fort, Masjid Seribu Doa, Masjid Seri Selawat, and the Fu Lin Kong Temple. These excursions provided insight into the island’s history and the various cultures that influenced its development.