Academic excellence and environmental stewardship: SEGi’s winning formula 

SEGi University places the highest importance on the education and well-being of its students. It is also strongly committed to sustainability, striving to achieve its Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). 

On 2 August 2023, representatives from SEGi University made a courtesy visit to Reef Check Malaysia, an organisation dedicated to coral reef monitoring and island-based educational programmes. During this visit, they proudly donated RM1150 to Reef Check Malaysia’s General Manager, Julian Hyde. 

This monetary contribution was made possible through the collaborative efforts of Bachelor of Information Technology and Diploma in Information Technology students at SEGi University, who have been actively engaged in marine life activities. Additionally, the staff from SEGi University’s Faculty of Engineering, Built Environment and Information Technology (FoEBEIT) played a crucial role in making this donation a reality. 
