FoEBEIT Research Colloquium Showcases Innovative Research Towards SDGs

SEGi University’s Faculty of Engineering, Built Environment & Information Technology hosted a dynamic Research Colloquium on 28 February 2024, featuring groundbreaking research presentations addressing pressing global challenges. Attended by 40 participants, including Master’s and Ph.D. students alongside esteemed lecturers, the event showcased pioneering efforts across diverse domains.

The colloquium kicked off with Ir. Azri Adi Bin Arbai’s presentation on the ‘Photovoltaic Watering Plant System with IoT’. Arbai’s innovation integrates soil moisture and air humidity sensors into an automated plant watering system, revolutionising modern agriculture. This breakthrough not only ensures optimal plant hydration levels, thus enhancing crop yield and sustainability, but also aligns with Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 9, fostering technological advancements in agriculture.

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