Lee Xin Yee, a dedicated and ambitious fourth-year BDS student, took a significant leap in the realm of dental research at the 2023 SEGI-IAOMP Symposium. Her presentation, titled “Sunflower Seed-Induced Tooth Attrition: A Case Series,” not only garnered attention but also clinched the THIRD prize in the highly competitive oral presentation category. Her achievement was a testament to her meticulous research, innovative thinking, and dedication to addressing pressing oral health concerns.
Lee Xin Yee’s research focused on a rather intriguing yet overlooked aspect of oral health – the impact of consuming dried sunflower seeds on tooth attrition. The study delved into four distinct clinical cases, each portraying varying levels of attrition severity. These cases not only highlighted the distressing symptoms experienced by the patients but also shed light on an aspect of dental health that had previously been neglected in academic exploration. Through her comprehensive investigation, Lee Xin Yee illuminated the potential dental consequences of this prevalent habit, providing valuable insights into a previously uncharted territory of oral health.
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