Lesson Learned from Japan Rail Construction and Land Use Development Models

The built environment is not just the physical backdrop of human activity; it is the stage upon which the drama of urban life unfolds. At its heart lies the transportation infrastructure, with railways standing as pillars of connectivity and drivers of urban development. On 14 September 2023, SEGi University was privileged to host Professor Fumio Kurosaki from Toyo University, Japan, for an enlightening industrial talk. Professor Kurosaki’s presentation focused on ‘Japan Rail Construction and Land Use Development in Japan,’ offering profound insights and valuable lessons for the Malaysian rail system.

Comparison of Railway Systems

Professor Kurosaki’s presentation initiated a comparative analysis between Tokyo’s sophisticated urban railway network and Malaysia’s evolving rail landscape. Tokyo, a bustling metropolis of 13 million inhabitants, boasts an intricate network comprising Japan Rail (JR), Metro, and Private Railways, with over 1,200 km of tracks crisscrossing the city. In stark contrast, Malaysia, with a population of 32 million and Kuala Lumpur as its pulsating heart with 1.72 million residents, operates a mix of transportation modes, including the Electric Train Service (ETS), urban Light Rail Transit (LRT), Mass Rapid Transit (MRT), and KTM Komuter lines. This disparity underscores the imperative for Malaysia to glean insights from Japan’s rich tapestry of railway development and its integration with urban planning.

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