
Course ID : (R2/721/6/0064)(03/27)(MQA/FA7700)


There are two phases in the curriculum; the Medical Sciences Phase (Phase 1) which is the first two years of study, and the Clinical Phase (Phase 2) which is carried out in three subsequent years of study. Each phase is strategised to have four blocks and the modules/postings are repackaged and rearranged as follows.

The Medical Sciences Phase, also known as the Pre-clinical Phase, consists of four blocks which are Block 1 (Foundation in Medical Sciences), block 2 (Introduction to Behavioural Science, Clinical, and Community Medicine), block 3 (System-Based Medical Sciences I), and block 4 (System-Based Medical Sciences II).

The Clinical Phase also comprises 4 Blocks which spans over 3 years. These blocks are designated as Block 5 (Junior Clerkship), block 6 (Specialty Clerkship I), block 7 (Specialty Clerkship II), and Block 8 (Senior Clerkship). For the contents of each block, please refer to the modules below. Throughout the 5 years of study, subjects on soft skills development are also incorporated such as communication skills, behavioural science, team building, critical thinking, problem-solving, leadership, and management.

The SEGi MBBS programme is internationally established and recognised by the various medical councils and regulatory bodies around the world including Malaysia, Thailand, Pakistan, Qatar and Maldives.

年来 持续创造各种可能
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每年300名 一等荣誉毕业生
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Prof. Dr. Mohamad Raili Bin Suhaili, Dean, Faculty of Medicine, Nursing & Health Sciences, SEGi University


世纪的综合课程以病人为中心,提供以病人与学生为中心的学习经验。我们的主要目标是通过我们创新的综合课程,将世纪的品牌承诺 "The Best in You,Made Possible "发扬光大,着重于在以病人为中心,以科学为导向,以团队为基础的高价值医疗保健环境中教育我们的学生。
